About the Course
Dan Oliver of Oliver Tree Care opens the canopy on Arbor & Tree Climbing Basics from the “understory” to the rudiments of ascending and descending trees for working at height.
What You'll Learn
Disciplines covered in the Arbor & Tree Climbing Basics include:
Rope installation
Entering and ascending the tree
Basal anchors
Arbor and tree climbing essentials
Learn from One of the Best in the Industry
Learn more about Arbor & Tree Climbing Basics expert instructor
Rigging Lab Academy Instructor | Founder of Oliver Arbor Care
Dan Oliver
Dan is the founder of Oliver Arbor Care in Bend, Oregon and is a certified Certified Arborist, Qualified Tree Risk Assessor. He’s a second-generation ISA Certified Arborist (PN-7275AM), ISA Certified Municipal Arboriculture Specialist, and ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. He’s been working with trees professionally since 2002 (unless, of course, we counted the pruning his dad had him doing as a kid, but we won’t count that.)
Course Curriculum
Unit 2: Rope Installation & Throwline Techniques
Unit 3: Basal SRT Anchor, Part 1
- 3.1 Basal SRT Anchor: Using the Figure 8
- 3.1 Video Tutorial: Basal SRT Anchor: Using the Figure 8
Unit 4: Basal SRT Anchor, Part 2
- 4.1 Basic SRT Anchors: Retrievable Anchor
- 4.2 Video Tutorial: Basic SRT Anchors: Retrievable Anchor
Unit 5: Basal SRT Anchor, Part 3
- 5.1 Basal SRT Anchors: Using the Petzl I'D
- 5.2 Video Tutorial: Basal SRT Anchors: Using the Petzl I'D
Unit 6: Entering & Ascending the Tree, Part 1
- 6.1 Entering & Ascending the Tree: Doubled Rope Ascent with Petzl Pantin
- 6.2 Video Tutorial: Entering & Ascending the Tree: Doubled Rope Ascent with Petzl Pantin
Unit 7: Entering & Ascending the Tree, Part 2
- 7.1 Entering & Ascending the Tree: Footlock Technique
- 7.2 Video Tutorial: Entering & Ascending the Tree: Footlock Technique
Unit 8: Entering & Ascending the Tree, Part 3
- 8.1 Entering & Ascending the Tree: Self Tending Body and Hip Thrust
- 8.2 Video Tutorial: Entering & Ascending the Tree: Self Tending Body and Hip Thrust
Unit 9: Petzl Tree Care Technical Tips
- 9.1 Techniques to improve returning to the trunk with SRT
- 9.2 Poor attachment of the rope end to the ZIGZAG (DdRT usage)
- 9.3 Movement and work in the tree using DdRT and SRT with the ZIGZAG
- 9.4 Installing the ZIGZAG in SRT mode for accessing and working in the tree
- 9.5 Movement within the tree: returning to the trunk
- 9.6 Examples of ZIGZAG handling
- 9.7 Choice of carabiner for the ZIGZAG
- 9.8 Choice of carabiners for hauling systems and pulley attachment
- 9.9 Choice of carabiner for connecting a ZILLON or GRILLON lanyard to the harnesss
- 9.10 Examples of dangerous carabiner loading.
- 9.11 Video - How to install the KNEE ASCENT?
- 9.12 Video - Installing the EJECT for dismantling
- 9.13 Compatibility of the first-generation ZIGZAG with CHICANE and KNEE ASCENT
- 9.14 Primary uses of the ZIGZAG
- 9.15 Attaching a second belay system to the ZIGZAG
- 9.16 Precautions when using the ZIGZAG
- 9.17 Review of primary ZILLON lanyard functions
- 9.18 Organizing the reserve rope of the ZILLON lanyard
- 9.19 Attaching the free end of the ZILLON lanyard: danger
- 9.20 Video - Partner rescue with the ZIGZAG
- 9.21 Rescue: operation of the victim’s ZIGZAG by the rescuer
- 9.22 Accompanied descent rescue with two people on one ZIGZAG
- 9.23 Using the EJECT friction saver with single rope (SRT/SRS)
- 9.24 Torsion on the ZIGZAG and ZILLON chain
- 9.25 Access on doubled rope with the ZIGZAG
- 9.26 Backing-up the ASCENTREE with the ZIGZAG during tree access
- 9.27 Position in relation to the anchor with the ZILLON lanyard
- 9.28 Using the ZILLON lanyard in single mode
- 9.29 Dismantling: second belay point and evacuation system with the ZIGZAG
- 9.30 Dismantling: choke the ZILLON lanyard
Unit 10: Wrap Up
- 9.1 Wrap Up